Friday 16 March 2018

A Week is a Long Time in Puppy-Licks

Well, we've had Isla a week now, and it seems like she's been with us forever.  It wasn't long before she'd sussed the layout of the house (and, more importantly, discovered the place where certain things had been hidden from her).  She's such a sweetheart, though, it's impossible to be cross when she turns up carrying a glove, slipper, shoe or one of Amber's toys!

It was lovely and warm this afternoon, so Isla spent some of the time in the garden playing and exploring.

In case you're wondering, relations with the cats have improved significantly since last week.  We've now progressed from "downright resentment" to "reluctant tolerance", which is a distinct step forward.

It's clear that Isla is growing too: 5kg today, compared to 4.3kg last Friday.  She certainly has a labrador's appetite.

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