Saturday 7 April 2018

Crufts 2018 (part 2)

I mentioned in the previous post about the size of some of the dogs we saw.  The St Bernard, although large, was actually quite restrained compared to others.  I've included a few humans for scale...

As always at Crufts, however, it's the dogs who are the stars.  Here are some of the beautiful animals we had the privilege of meeting while at the show.

For some breeds it appeared to be de rigueur to wear a bib in order to stay pristine for the show.  Not sure I'd want a dog which needed a bib, but that's another matter.

Now, I'm fully acquainted with a Norwegian Blue, but a Norwgian Purple was a new one on me.  A real bonus that they were on offer, though...

Finally, a picture from the Toft stand, which was selling wool and patterns to make dozens of different dog breeds.  Issy is a Toft addict, so it was essential that we spent lots of time (and money) at this particular stand.  The dogs really are pretty special, though, including the Schnauzer pictured below.  Just look at those eyebrows.

That's it for another year, but hopefully we'll manage to get back to Crufts in 2019.  It really is a "Grand Day Out".

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